Unwanted growth on Ash Terrace

A resident recently got in touch to say that a clump of unwanted weeds and small trees had grown up in accumulated soil at the end of Ash Terrace, a cul-de-sac which intersects with Chapel Street. This is making the street look neglected, and if the trees are allowed to keep growing it will damage the cobbles underneath and probably also the pavements on either side and the wall behind.

Local campaigner Penny Goodman went along today to take some pictures, and discuss ways to help the local residents get the unwanted growth cleaned up.

Ash Terrace 2

Ash Terrace 1

We’ll now be talking to the council to see what can be done here, and to help the residents realise their long-term ambition for the closed-off end of this street – a community garden set into a raised bed.

One thought on “Unwanted growth on Ash Terrace

  1. […] couple of weeks ago, a resident got in touch to let us know about some unwanted weeds and trees which had grown up in the end of Ash Terrace. […]

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