Penny Goodman selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Headingley in May

Yesterday evening, Leeds North West Liberal Democrats held a hustings for candidates hoping to represent the party at the Leeds City Council elections in May 2016. Penny Goodman, who lives on Grove Lane, was selected by the local party to stand as the candidate for Headingley ward.

Penny said:

I am thrilled to have been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Headingley. I have lived in Headingley for nine years now, and it is a fantastic community. It’s diverse, vibrant, active and engaged, and has something to offer for everyone.

But it’s becoming increasingly obvious that Headingley’s Labour councillors aren’t doing everything they could to help the community and protect its interests. On the doorsteps, residents constantly report concerns to me about bins and graffiti, which I have been able to tackle on their behalf. But why aren’t the Labour councillors dealing with these issues properly? It is supposed to be part of their job.

Headingley can do better than this, and the record of action which I have already built up shows what I could do for this community if I am elected next May.

Penny and Greg

Local candidate Penny Goodman with Greg Mulholland MP

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