Penny Goodman attends March for Europe

Yesterday, Headingley campaigner Penny Goodman went with thousands of others to March for Europe in central London.

Penny said, “I still think leaving the EU is a huge mistake which will make our country poorer. What’s more, the way it is being done is totally out of keeping the referendum result. It isn’t what the 48% who voted Remain wanted, while those who voted Leave were constantly told we could leave the EU but still keep most of its benefits, like access to the Single Market.

“That is now far from the reality. Theresa May is choosing to implement a reckless Hard Brexit which clearly won’t include Single Market access, and there is no sign of the £350 million a week promised for the NHS. Instead, it’s clear that the process of leaving the EU will be time-consuming and expensive, taking resources away from real issues in the NHS, schools and housing. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn is sitting back and letting it happen.

“I believe that both the Tory and the Labour parties are letting down the vast majority of moderate, sensible people in the UK who just want the best and brightest future for this country. That is their choice – but if they will not represent those people, the Liberal Democrats will.”

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