Out on the doorsteps: Right to Stay petition

This weekend the Headingley and Hyde Park Liberal Democrats went door-to-door with the party’s Right to Stay petition. This calls on the government to guarantee the right of EU citizens currently living in the UK to stay here – just as they expected when they came.

We got a great response on the door-steps, with many residents in Headingley and Hyde Park agreeing that it isn’t fair to change the goal-posts on people who have moved here in good faith, or to treat them as bargaining chips in the EU negotiations.

Last week, the House of Lords added an amendment to the current Brexit bill, ensuring that EU citizens do have the right to stay in the UK. But we expect the Tory government to try to take the amendment out again when the bill goes back to the Commons. The signatures which we collected this weekend will help show the strength of public feeling on the issue when our MPs debate it.

You can add your own name to the petition online here.

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