Leeds Liberal Democrats 2018 election manifesto

Today marks two weeks to the Leeds City Council elections for 2018. These are particularly important elections, because we are electing the whole of Leeds city council from scratch following changes to some ward boundaries. Across the city, everyone will have three votes each to select three new councillors for the ward they live in.

The Leeds Liberal Democrats have produced a fully-costed manifesto for this year’s elections, created through consultation with our local members, residents and city councillors. It is packed full of exciting and practical policies such as:

  • Citywide food waste and glass collection
  • Saving money and reducing pollution by powering city vehicles with biogas
  • A council-owned housing company building affordable homes for sale and rent
  • Addressing declining educational results amongst our most disadvantaged children
  • Employing dementia-supporting Admiral nurses

If you would like to read the manifesto in full, you can do that right here! Pictures of all the pages are included below, or you can download a pdf copy for yourself.

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