Focus story: Greg Mulholland MP, Penny Goodman and the Headingley Liberal Democrat team say Thank You!

Local MP, Greg Mulholland, and Penny Goodman would like to say a big thank you to local people for their support at this year’s General and Local Elections.

Greg Mulholland said:

Thank you to local people for putting their trust in me to keep delivering for our area. We have fought hard for our communities over the last ten years, but there is still much more to be done including pushing for integrated public transport and protecting our precious green space.

Penny Goodman said:

A big thank you to local residents for supporting Greg and me this year. The recent elections may have been difficult for the Liberal Democrats nationally, but here in Leeds we continue to hold the Labour-run Leeds City Council to account and work hard for local residents to ensure Headingley and Hyde Park are areas we are proud to live and work in.

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