Out on the doorsteps: The Turnways

The Headingley Liberal Democrat team spoke to residents in The Turnways and Laurel Bank Court this evening.

Canvassing 8 Oct 2015

We asked local people what issues were affecting the area, and found that several residents were concerned about overgrown vegetation and poor lighting in the alley-way between The Turnways and Headingley Stadium.

Another problem issue is thefts of Yorkshire stone paving slabs in nearby Headingley Avenue – one of the few roads on the opposite side of Kirkstall Lane which still has its original pavement. This is a common problem in Headingley, which is slowly eroding the character and heritage of the area. We will be working with Greg Mulholland MP to see what can be done about it.

One thought on “Out on the doorsteps: The Turnways

  1. […] Headingley residents are increasingly raising concerns about the theft of Yorkshire stone paving slabs in our area. We have heard about it several times during our regular doorstep survey sessions – for example, from residents living in the St. Michael’s Road area and The Turnways. […]

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