Out on the doorsteps: opposite the Arndale

Today, the Headingley Liberal Democrats met up opposite the Arndale Centre to speak to residents in the streets nearby, including Dennistead Crescent, Alma Cottages, Chapel Street and Ash Terrace.

Canvassing 10 Sept 2015

On Chapel Street and Ash Terrace in particular, almost everyone we spoke to was deeply unhappy about the situation with their green bins. They said that collections have been stopped as part of the Labour council’s pilot scheme to remove dedicated recycling in the area and use automatic sorting instead to filter out recyclable material from black bins. But the old, empty green bins have not been removed, and are now causing a serious blockage on the pavement. Meanwhile, one resident asked several times for opt-in recycling bags, but has received nothing.

After we had finished speaking to the residents, Penny Goodman took some pictures of the problem:

Abandoned green bins Chapel Street

Chapel Street bins 1

Chapel Street bins 2

That’s all on one street – and not a very long one, either! No wonder residents are feeling fed up.

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