Hyde Park junction

Following some great conversations with residents yesterday, Brandon has checked up on the ongoing works at Hyde Park junction and confirmed that the pedestrian crossings remain out of action. This has been taken up with the Council as a matter requiring an urgent fix.

This is a very busy junction for both pedestrians and vehicles. People should not have to gamble with their safety to cross this road. Temporary crossing measures can easily be put in place to ensure that the lives of pedestrians are not at risk, whilst works are ongoing.

Bainbrigge Road pavement swept

Recently, a resident in Bainbrigge Road pointed out to us that the pavement on the north-west side had not been swept since the autumn. We took a look and saw that it was covered in compacted leaf-mulch, making it slippery and dangerous.

We raised this with the council’s Environment team, and they swept the pavement this Sunday. That’s another little job done!

Ash Terrace success

A couple of weeks ago, a resident got in touch to let us know about some unwanted weeds and trees which had grown up in the end of Ash Terrace. Penny Goodman went along to have a look, and then contacted the council to discuss what could be done about it.

The good news is that the council’s street teams responded quickly, and today the growth was all cleared away. Two whole truck-loads of greenery were removed.

The resident who originally raised the issue kindly gave us permission to share his pictures of the newly-cleared street. So Ash Terrace has gone from this:

Ash Terrace 2 To this:

ash terrace 3

What a change! We are really pleased to have helped get this sorted out, and are looking forward to supporting local residents in developing the community garden which they would like to establish here now that the weeds are gone.

Unwanted growth on Ash Terrace

A resident recently got in touch to say that a clump of unwanted weeds and small trees had grown up in accumulated soil at the end of Ash Terrace, a cul-de-sac which intersects with Chapel Street. This is making the street look neglected, and if the trees are allowed to keep growing it will damage the cobbles underneath and probably also the pavements on either side and the wall behind.

Local campaigner Penny Goodman went along today to take some pictures, and discuss ways to help the local residents get the unwanted growth cleaned up.

Ash Terrace 2

Ash Terrace 1

We’ll now be talking to the council to see what can be done here, and to help the residents realise their long-term ambition for the closed-off end of this street – a community garden set into a raised bed.

Grit bins

We all wish summer would last forever, but unfortunately winter comes all too soon! While out delivering leaflets today we checked on some of Headingley’s grit bins, and were surprised to find many of them either full of rubbish or simply empty of grit.

Grit bin 1

Grit bin 2

Grit bin 3

We will be reporting this issue to the council, asking them to make sure that the grit bins are filled up ready for the winter, and that proper rubbish bins are provided where people are using grit bins instead.