Hyde Park Picture House

Penny and Brandon have been out and about around the ward. It is great news that the Hyde Park Picture House restoration is shortly due to begin following the Covid-19 pause, having also secured additional funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Culture Recovery Fund!

We’re looking forward to seeing the finished product, which will no doubt provide countless opportunities for the local community to enjoy great films and an improved community space.

Improving our local community hubs helps to keep the heart of our local community beating!

April 2019 Focus leaflet

We have been delivering our latest Focus leaflet in Headingley and Hyde Park. Our candidate, Penny Goodman, has lived in Headingley for twelve years and is campaigning for a better, cleaner local environment.

Penny says:

Dear resident,

On May 2nd our area will elect a Councillor and I’m the Lib Dem candidate for this election.

I live in Headingley, so I care passionately about local issues as they affect me too!

If I’m elected, I am determined to push for real action to tackle congestion. The Labour Council are spending millions of pounds ripping up Lawnswood roundabout and replacing it with an American-style intersection. I think the money would be more wisely invested sorting out our roads and improving public transport.

I want to see more street sweeping and greater enforcement action to tackle fly tipping and littering. I think it’s really important that our area
looks nice.

I’m a committed environmentalist, which is why I want to see more done by the Council to tackle climate change. I also want to see increased recycling services. The Lib Dems on Leeds City Council tried to get the Council to introduce kerbside food waste and glass recycling collection, like every major UK city, but Labour blocked it. I’ll continue to campaign for this to happen.

If I am elected I will be an independently-minded strong campaigning voice for our area. I hope you will support me on May 2nd.


Leeds City Council elections

Elections to Leeds city council are taking place on Thursday May 2nd. Today is the deadline for registering to vote in them, and if you haven’t done so already you can register to vote here.

Our candidate for Headingley and Hyde Park is Penny Goodman. Penny lives locally on Grove Lane, and is an academic who teaches Roman history at the University of Leeds.

Penny is calling for household glass recycling, action against fly-tipping and better transport across the city. She is a committed environmentalist, who wants to make it easy for everyone to help tackle climate change through easier recycling and better public transport.

She also strongly believes that Britain is better off remaining in the EU – not least because climate change is a shared problem which can best be tackled by working together.

Penny Goodman in Headingley

Out and about – despite the weather!

The Liberal Democrats have been out delivering and door-knocking in Headingley today. Many residents told us they feel angry and let down over Brexit. Theresa May and the Conservatives have created a crisis, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party have stood by and allowed it to happen. Meanwhile, the public is left fearing food shortages and businesses have no certainty about the future. The Liberal Democrats believe that Britain is stronger in the European Union. We are fighting to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal, with the option to remain.

The Liberal Democrat candidates for Headingley and Hyde Park

The Liberal Democrat candidates for Headingley and Hyde Park have now been formally registered with the Town Hall, and we are proud to introduce the team:

Pictured from left to right are:

Penny Goodman, an academic who works at the University of Leeds. Penny has lived in Headingley for twelve years now, and has a long history of campaigning on behalf of the local community.

Murray Hawthorne, a student in the final year of an Arabic and Politics degree. Murray cares passionately about Human Rights issues, and is a proud internationalist.

Peter Andrews, a solar panel engineer who works for a local business. Peter has lived in Leeds all his life and is a long-standing member of the Headingley community.

All three are holding copies of the Leeds Liberal Democrats manifesto, which sets out what we are fighting for in this year’s Leeds City Council elections. If you would like to read the manifesto for yourself, you can download your own copy here.

Parking problems on Moorland Road

A resident recently contacted us to report serious congestion problems caused by cars parking on both sides of Moorland Road, close to the University. Penny Goodman went along to investigate, and quickly saw the problem. Parts of the road have recently been resurfaced, obliterating the double yellow lines and other road markings. People are now taking advantage of this by parking on the new unmarked surfaces – despite signs saying that no parking is allowed at any time. The parked cars are then blocking the flow of traffic along the road.

After checking out the problem, Penny wrote to the council highways department to ask whether the road markings are due to be repainted. The reply was that they are, but not until next month after the whole road surface has been sealed with a layer of bituminous emulsion and chippings.

It is good news that the markings will eventually be replaced, but the long wait means that traffic problems are going to persist for at least another month, causing transport misery every day. Penny suggested that in situations like this, the highways department should consider painting temporary double yellow lines onto the road surface, for example with a spray-can, until the job is finished and proper ones can be restored. This would be quick, cheap and save weeks of serious traffic problems.

Penny Goodman attends March for Europe

Yesterday, Headingley campaigner Penny Goodman went with thousands of others to March for Europe in central London.

Penny said, “I still think leaving the EU is a huge mistake which will make our country poorer. What’s more, the way it is being done is totally out of keeping the referendum result. It isn’t what the 48% who voted Remain wanted, while those who voted Leave were constantly told we could leave the EU but still keep most of its benefits, like access to the Single Market.

“That is now far from the reality. Theresa May is choosing to implement a reckless Hard Brexit which clearly won’t include Single Market access, and there is no sign of the £350 million a week promised for the NHS. Instead, it’s clear that the process of leaving the EU will be time-consuming and expensive, taking resources away from real issues in the NHS, schools and housing. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn is sitting back and letting it happen.

“I believe that both the Tory and the Labour parties are letting down the vast majority of moderate, sensible people in the UK who just want the best and brightest future for this country. That is their choice – but if they will not represent those people, the Liberal Democrats will.”

Headingley bus services consultation

First Bus Leeds are undertaking a review of their services through Headingley, including the 1, 6, 19/19A, 28, 29, 56, 97 and X84. They have stated that they recognise the need for improvements to the reliability and punctuality of these services, particularly given the impact of congestion through Headingley. The outcomes of the review might include changes to the bus routes or frequencies.

They are collecting views on the services via an online survey and at local drop-in events. The Headingley drop-in is at the Heart Centre on Bennett Road, Tuesday 21st March, 16:00-18:30. But if you can’t make that event, there is a list of other nearby times and venues on their website.

Headingley campaigner Penny Goodman said:

I am pleased to see this consultation going ahead, as I know many people locally are frustrated with the current state of the bus services. I would urge all local residents to fill in the survey or attend a drop-in event, to make sure that First Bus really understand what we want from our public transport.