Leeds Liberal Democrats 2018 election manifesto

Today marks two weeks to the Leeds City Council elections for 2018. These are particularly important elections, because we are electing the whole of Leeds city council from scratch following changes to some ward boundaries. Across the city, everyone will have three votes each to select three new councillors for the ward they live in.

The Leeds Liberal Democrats have produced a fully-costed manifesto for this year’s elections, created through consultation with our local members, residents and city councillors. It is packed full of exciting and practical policies such as:

  • Citywide food waste and glass collection
  • Saving money and reducing pollution by powering city vehicles with biogas
  • A council-owned housing company building affordable homes for sale and rent
  • Addressing declining educational results amongst our most disadvantaged children
  • Employing dementia-supporting Admiral nurses

If you would like to read the manifesto in full, you can do that right here! Pictures of all the pages are included below, or you can download a pdf copy for yourself.

Parking problems on Moorland Road

A resident recently contacted us to report serious congestion problems caused by cars parking on both sides of Moorland Road, close to the University. Penny Goodman went along to investigate, and quickly saw the problem. Parts of the road have recently been resurfaced, obliterating the double yellow lines and other road markings. People are now taking advantage of this by parking on the new unmarked surfaces – despite signs saying that no parking is allowed at any time. The parked cars are then blocking the flow of traffic along the road.

After checking out the problem, Penny wrote to the council highways department to ask whether the road markings are due to be repainted. The reply was that they are, but not until next month after the whole road surface has been sealed with a layer of bituminous emulsion and chippings.

It is good news that the markings will eventually be replaced, but the long wait means that traffic problems are going to persist for at least another month, causing transport misery every day. Penny suggested that in situations like this, the highways department should consider painting temporary double yellow lines onto the road surface, for example with a spray-can, until the job is finished and proper ones can be restored. This would be quick, cheap and save weeks of serious traffic problems.

Out on the doorsteps: Ashes and Derwentwaters

Headingley Liberal Democrats have been out on the doorsteps in the Ashes and Derwentwaters this weekend, asking residents ‘A Penny for your thoughts’.

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Residents raised some serious concerns about parking in Ash Crescent in particular, and we also picked up a lot of interest in having better recycling facilities. In this area of Headingley, of course, household recycling facilities are offered on an opt-in only basis.

We will now be working on the issues raised, and reporting back to residents soon.