Out and about

It was great to be out this evening delivering letters and catching up with local residents.

After years of being ignored by Labour, it was good to hear that residents feel that the Liberal Democrats have a great candidate in Brandon.

Remember when you cast your vote – the Liberal Democrats are the only party willing to listen to residents and help make our community greener, cleaner, and safer!

Campaigning to Stop Brexit in Headingley

This weekend, Liberal Democrat campaigners have been delivering leaflets and knocking on doors to speak to people about the European Parliament elections on 23rd May. Across the ward, people have told us that they like our clear, unambiguous Stop Brexit message, and will be supporting the Liberal Democrats in these elections.

If you’d like to read our manifesto for the European Parliament elections, click here.

Out and about – despite the weather!

The Liberal Democrats have been out delivering and door-knocking in Headingley today. Many residents told us they feel angry and let down over Brexit. Theresa May and the Conservatives have created a crisis, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party have stood by and allowed it to happen. Meanwhile, the public is left fearing food shortages and businesses have no certainty about the future. The Liberal Democrats believe that Britain is stronger in the European Union. We are fighting to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal, with the option to remain.

Out on the doorsteps: Right to Stay petition

This weekend the Headingley and Hyde Park Liberal Democrats went door-to-door with the party’s Right to Stay petition. This calls on the government to guarantee the right of EU citizens currently living in the UK to stay here – just as they expected when they came.

We got a great response on the door-steps, with many residents in Headingley and Hyde Park agreeing that it isn’t fair to change the goal-posts on people who have moved here in good faith, or to treat them as bargaining chips in the EU negotiations.

Last week, the House of Lords added an amendment to the current Brexit bill, ensuring that EU citizens do have the right to stay in the UK. But we expect the Tory government to try to take the amendment out again when the bill goes back to the Commons. The signatures which we collected this weekend will help show the strength of public feeling on the issue when our MPs debate it.

You can add your own name to the petition online here.

Out on the doorsteps: St. Michael’s area

This weekend, Penny Goodman and the Headingley Liberal Democrat team were out on the doorsteps on the St. Michael’s area. We spoke to residents about their local concerns, and asked them to fill out a survey showing their priorities for the area.

One big issue which came up here was bins, including uncollected ‘side waste’ (extra bags etc. left at the side of full bins) and bins blocking the pavement. We could see the problem for ourselves.



We will be asking the council to take measures to tackle this.

Out on the doorsteps: streets along Headingley Lane

Penny Goodman and the Headingley Liberal Democrat team have been out on the doorsteps on Bainbrigge Road, Spring Road, Spring Bank Crescent, The Poplars and Orville Gardens. We spoke to residents about their local concerns, and asked them to fill out a survey showing their priorities for the area.


Issues for residents in this area included cycle safety, anti-social behaviour, recycling and the appalling traffic jams every day from 4pm onwards along the main road. But perhaps the strongest concerns expressed were about the future of the Elinor Lupton Centre.

Wetherspoons, who now own this building, had their licensing application turned down last month, but we understand that they have now appealed against the decision. Residents are concerned that the original decision may be overturned, and in the meanwhile are angry and disappointed that the building has been allowed to become so run down and such a focus for graffiti.

If you have an issue which we can help with, or you would like to get involved in our local campaigning, do get in touch.

Out on the doorsteps: Grimthorpes and Trelawns

Headingley Liberal Democrats were out on the doorsteps in the Grimthorpes and Trelawns yesterday (despite the fog!), asking residents ‘A Penny for your thoughts’.


Concerns in this area include speeding, noise and burglary. Many residents also expressed surprise that they could not recycle paper, plastic or empty cans from their houses.

If you have an issue which we can help with, or you would like to get involved in our local campaigning, do get in touch.

Out on the doorsteps: Ashes and Derwentwaters

Headingley Liberal Democrats have been out on the doorsteps in the Ashes and Derwentwaters this weekend, asking residents ‘A Penny for your thoughts’.

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Residents raised some serious concerns about parking in Ash Crescent in particular, and we also picked up a lot of interest in having better recycling facilities. In this area of Headingley, of course, household recycling facilities are offered on an opt-in only basis.

We will now be working on the issues raised, and reporting back to residents soon.