Visit to the Woodsley Road Food Bank

Today was a very humbling day as a candidate – often we spend a lot of time talking and not enough time listening.

Brandon and Kamran Hussain visited the Woodsley Road Community Centre Food Bank and spent time listening to the volunteers about what they need and what the local community needs to maximise its potential.

Listening to local people and learning about what they need is the best way any candidate or elected representative can best serve the community. As a Liberal Democrat, this is the cornerstone of our approach to representation!

Out and about – despite the weather!

The Liberal Democrats have been out delivering and door-knocking in Headingley today. Many residents told us they feel angry and let down over Brexit. Theresa May and the Conservatives have created a crisis, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party have stood by and allowed it to happen. Meanwhile, the public is left fearing food shortages and businesses have no certainty about the future. The Liberal Democrats believe that Britain is stronger in the European Union. We are fighting to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal, with the option to remain.

Kamran Hussain selected as Lib Dem PPC for Leeds North West

Congratulations to Kamran Hussain, who was selected yesterday evening as the new Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Leeds North West. Kamran is senior partner in a successful Headingley-based solicitors’ firm, so he already knows our area well. He is also the Liberal Democrat Yorkshire & Humber spokesperson on Brexit, and led the Lib Dem Remain campaign in our area. We look forward to working with him.