Vote Liberal Democrats to Stop Brexit!

Today is polling day in the UK for the European Parliament elections. The Liberal Democrats have a clear and unambiguous message for these elections: vote Liberal Democrats to Stop Brexit!

All over Headingley, former Labour party voters are telling us they have had enough of Labour’s confused position on Brexit, and will be backing the Lib Dems this time. Please join them today to help us end this Brexit mess.

Campaigning to Stop Brexit in Headingley

This weekend, Liberal Democrat campaigners have been delivering leaflets and knocking on doors to speak to people about the European Parliament elections on 23rd May. Across the ward, people have told us that they like our clear, unambiguous Stop Brexit message, and will be supporting the Liberal Democrats in these elections.

If you’d like to read our manifesto for the European Parliament elections, click here.

Leeds City Council elections

Elections to Leeds city council are taking place on Thursday May 2nd. Today is the deadline for registering to vote in them, and if you haven’t done so already you can register to vote here.

Our candidate for Headingley and Hyde Park is Penny Goodman. Penny lives locally on Grove Lane, and is an academic who teaches Roman history at the University of Leeds.

Penny is calling for household glass recycling, action against fly-tipping and better transport across the city. She is a committed environmentalist, who wants to make it easy for everyone to help tackle climate change through easier recycling and better public transport.

She also strongly believes that Britain is better off remaining in the EU – not least because climate change is a shared problem which can best be tackled by working together.

Penny Goodman in Headingley

Out and about – despite the weather!

The Liberal Democrats have been out delivering and door-knocking in Headingley today. Many residents told us they feel angry and let down over Brexit. Theresa May and the Conservatives have created a crisis, while Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party have stood by and allowed it to happen. Meanwhile, the public is left fearing food shortages and businesses have no certainty about the future. The Liberal Democrats believe that Britain is stronger in the European Union. We are fighting to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal, with the option to remain.

Stop Brexit march in Manchester

Liberal Democrats from across Britain, including Headingley, marched in Manchester yesterday to call for an Exit from Brexit.

Vince Cable addressed the crowds, speaking about the economic vandalism which Brexit will cause and the importance of protecting EU citizens’ rights. He told the BBC that he was really pleased by the broadly-based support for the issue which the march had demonstrated.

Penny Goodman attends March for Europe

Yesterday, Headingley campaigner Penny Goodman went with thousands of others to March for Europe in central London.

Penny said, “I still think leaving the EU is a huge mistake which will make our country poorer. What’s more, the way it is being done is totally out of keeping the referendum result. It isn’t what the 48% who voted Remain wanted, while those who voted Leave were constantly told we could leave the EU but still keep most of its benefits, like access to the Single Market.

“That is now far from the reality. Theresa May is choosing to implement a reckless Hard Brexit which clearly won’t include Single Market access, and there is no sign of the £350 million a week promised for the NHS. Instead, it’s clear that the process of leaving the EU will be time-consuming and expensive, taking resources away from real issues in the NHS, schools and housing. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn is sitting back and letting it happen.

“I believe that both the Tory and the Labour parties are letting down the vast majority of moderate, sensible people in the UK who just want the best and brightest future for this country. That is their choice – but if they will not represent those people, the Liberal Democrats will.”

Out on the doorsteps: Right to Stay petition

This weekend the Headingley and Hyde Park Liberal Democrats went door-to-door with the party’s Right to Stay petition. This calls on the government to guarantee the right of EU citizens currently living in the UK to stay here – just as they expected when they came.

We got a great response on the door-steps, with many residents in Headingley and Hyde Park agreeing that it isn’t fair to change the goal-posts on people who have moved here in good faith, or to treat them as bargaining chips in the EU negotiations.

Last week, the House of Lords added an amendment to the current Brexit bill, ensuring that EU citizens do have the right to stay in the UK. But we expect the Tory government to try to take the amendment out again when the bill goes back to the Commons. The signatures which we collected this weekend will help show the strength of public feeling on the issue when our MPs debate it.

You can add your own name to the petition online here.

Petition: Right to Stay for EU citizens

The Liberal Democrats are calling on the government to guarantee the right of EU citizens currently living in the UK to stay here.

These people are our colleagues, friends, family and neighbours, and came here in good faith to live and work.

If you believe they have a right to stay, and that their security should not be used as a bargaining chip in the Brexit negotiations, please sign and share this petition!