Vote Liberal Democrats to Stop Brexit!

Today is polling day in the UK for the European Parliament elections. The Liberal Democrats have a clear and unambiguous message for these elections: vote Liberal Democrats to Stop Brexit!

All over Headingley, former Labour party voters are telling us they have had enough of Labour’s confused position on Brexit, and will be backing the Lib Dems this time. Please join them today to help us end this Brexit mess.

Campaigning to Stop Brexit in Headingley

This weekend, Liberal Democrat campaigners have been delivering leaflets and knocking on doors to speak to people about the European Parliament elections on 23rd May. Across the ward, people have told us that they like our clear, unambiguous Stop Brexit message, and will be supporting the Liberal Democrats in these elections.

If you’d like to read our manifesto for the European Parliament elections, click here.

April 2019 Focus leaflet

We have been delivering our latest Focus leaflet in Headingley and Hyde Park. Our candidate, Penny Goodman, has lived in Headingley for twelve years and is campaigning for a better, cleaner local environment.

Penny says:

Dear resident,

On May 2nd our area will elect a Councillor and I’m the Lib Dem candidate for this election.

I live in Headingley, so I care passionately about local issues as they affect me too!

If I’m elected, I am determined to push for real action to tackle congestion. The Labour Council are spending millions of pounds ripping up Lawnswood roundabout and replacing it with an American-style intersection. I think the money would be more wisely invested sorting out our roads and improving public transport.

I want to see more street sweeping and greater enforcement action to tackle fly tipping and littering. I think it’s really important that our area
looks nice.

I’m a committed environmentalist, which is why I want to see more done by the Council to tackle climate change. I also want to see increased recycling services. The Lib Dems on Leeds City Council tried to get the Council to introduce kerbside food waste and glass recycling collection, like every major UK city, but Labour blocked it. I’ll continue to campaign for this to happen.

If I am elected I will be an independently-minded strong campaigning voice for our area. I hope you will support me on May 2nd.


Leeds City Council elections

Elections to Leeds city council are taking place on Thursday May 2nd. Today is the deadline for registering to vote in them, and if you haven’t done so already you can register to vote here.

Our candidate for Headingley and Hyde Park is Penny Goodman. Penny lives locally on Grove Lane, and is an academic who teaches Roman history at the University of Leeds.

Penny is calling for household glass recycling, action against fly-tipping and better transport across the city. She is a committed environmentalist, who wants to make it easy for everyone to help tackle climate change through easier recycling and better public transport.

She also strongly believes that Britain is better off remaining in the EU – not least because climate change is a shared problem which can best be tackled by working together.

Penny Goodman in Headingley

Leeds Liberal Democrats 2018 election manifesto

Today marks two weeks to the Leeds City Council elections for 2018. These are particularly important elections, because we are electing the whole of Leeds city council from scratch following changes to some ward boundaries. Across the city, everyone will have three votes each to select three new councillors for the ward they live in.

The Leeds Liberal Democrats have produced a fully-costed manifesto for this year’s elections, created through consultation with our local members, residents and city councillors. It is packed full of exciting and practical policies such as:

  • Citywide food waste and glass collection
  • Saving money and reducing pollution by powering city vehicles with biogas
  • A council-owned housing company building affordable homes for sale and rent
  • Addressing declining educational results amongst our most disadvantaged children
  • Employing dementia-supporting Admiral nurses

If you would like to read the manifesto in full, you can do that right here! Pictures of all the pages are included below, or you can download a pdf copy for yourself.

The Liberal Democrat candidates for Headingley and Hyde Park

The Liberal Democrat candidates for Headingley and Hyde Park have now been formally registered with the Town Hall, and we are proud to introduce the team:

Pictured from left to right are:

Penny Goodman, an academic who works at the University of Leeds. Penny has lived in Headingley for twelve years now, and has a long history of campaigning on behalf of the local community.

Murray Hawthorne, a student in the final year of an Arabic and Politics degree. Murray cares passionately about Human Rights issues, and is a proud internationalist.

Peter Andrews, a solar panel engineer who works for a local business. Peter has lived in Leeds all his life and is a long-standing member of the Headingley community.

All three are holding copies of the Leeds Liberal Democrats manifesto, which sets out what we are fighting for in this year’s Leeds City Council elections. If you would like to read the manifesto for yourself, you can download your own copy here.

Leeds Lib Dems 2018 manifesto launch

Yesterday evening, Leeds Lib Dems gathered together to launch our manifesto for the 2018 Leeds City Council elections.

The core principle of the manifesto, ‘Communities in Control’, reflects the Liberal Democrat belief that people should have real input into and control over the decisions which affect them in their local area. It sets out our vision for Leeds in six core areas: Environment, Housing, Transport, Adult Social Care, Children & Families, and the local Economy.

You can read what we have to offer in full here: Leeds Lib Dems Manifesto 2018

The manifesto has been put together with input from local residents, Leeds Liberal Democrat members and our serving councillors, and it is fully costed.

Leeds Liberal Democrat Council Group leader Stewart Golton presenting the manifesto at the launch

General Election result

Well, the General Election is all wrapped up now, and the result for the Liberal Democrats in Leeds North West was disappointing. In absolute numbers, more people voted for our former MP, Greg Mulholland, than in 2015, but a much greater vote increase for Labour means that they won out overall. This was the result:

We can only pay tribute to Greg’s dedication, principle and hard work during his 12 years as an MP, and during the two years before that which he spent as a councillor for Headingley. His will be a hard act to follow, but of course we hope that his Labour successor will be as great a champion for the people of Headingley and Hyde Park as Greg has been.

Meanwhile, our own work at local level in Headingley and Hyde Park will of course continue.