Congratulations to our newest MP!

We want to wish big congratulations to Sarah Green, our Liberal Democrats and Young Liberals colleagues across Buckinghamshire and across the country who worked together fiercely to pull off this stunning victory! ????

This shows that the Liberal Democrats continue to provide the strongest alternative to the Conservatives!

A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for your community to have a strong voice locally and nationally ???

Headingley and Hyde Park election result

We are grateful to all those who have supported and voted for us in this local election campaign. ???

Was this the outcome we hoped for? No, but the collective voice of our community has spoken and voted for the candidate they believe best serves them at this time. And we wish Al Garthwaite all the best for her next term in office.

What does this mean for the Liberal Democrats in our community? Brandon and the wider Liberal Democrat team will continue to be an active voice for our local community. We will continue to work hard to make sure Headingley & Hyde Park is the best it can be for everyone in our area and we will continue to fight to ensure that the voice of local residents is listened to by those in power. Local communities work best when local problems are fixed with local solutions made with the support of local residents. ??

Most importantly – we will keep fighting for a cleaner ♻️?, greener ??, and safer Headingley & Hyde Park ⚖️?‍♀️.

Leeds city council election day

Tomorrow is election day! ???

This is your opportunity to show Labour that Headingley & Hyde Park deserves better! Our community deserves representatives who work hard to make our local area better for everyone.

Brandon has dedicated his time and energy to help our community where he can and as your elected Councillor will continue to serve in the best interests of our area.

If you want to see a cleaner, greener, and safer Headingley & Hyde Park – vote for Brandon and the Liberal Democrats! ???

What you get from a Liberal Democrat councillor

Our voice is the most important weapon we have as people. It empowers us to demand better for our communities. It enables us to call out those in power who fail to act when required. And it encourages us all to stand up for what is right.

Put that voice into action and vote Liberal Democrat on May 6th.

We stand for you, for your family, and for your community!

Learn more about what Liberal Democrat councillors do from this video.

One week today!

Election day is exactly 1 week away! There is still time to send in your postal vote or plan when to vote on polling day. ???

This is your opportunity to demand better for Leeds and for Headingley & Hyde Park.

Let’s show Labour that our community is strongest when we all come together to solve local problems. Let’s show Labour that the Liberal Democrats are the best party to make our community cleaner, greener, and safer! ???

Make your voice heard

May 6 is just around the corner – if you are voting by postal vote or voting on the day make sure that you vote for the candidate that will best represent our local community. ???

To help you with that decision – please check out the letter below, which explains why voting for Brandon, as your local Liberal Democrat candidate, will ensure that your voice will finally be heard in Headingley & Hyde Park. ???

Dear friend,

On 6 May 2021, you have the chance to change Headingley & Hyde Park for the better.

As your Liberal Democrat candidate, I want to fight for our community as your representative on Leeds City Council. I am committed to ensuring that Headingley & Hyde Park is:

GREENER by opposing the expansion of Leeds Bradford Airport in the face of a climate emergency, pushing for better, greener public transport services and introducing kerbside glass and food waste collections.

CLEANER by ensuring that our bins are collected on time, fly-tipping is cleared efficiently, and graffiti is removed.

SAFER for women to walk the streets freely without fear by pushing for the Council to invest in better street lighting and to retain funding for our hard-working Police Community Support Officers.

More of the same or time for change?

For nearly 10 years under Labour, the residents of Headingley and Hyde Park have seen rubbish piling up, graffiti getting out of control, and noise nuisance going untackled.

The Liberal Democrats in Leeds have a strong record of opposing the Labour-run council in the chamber.

By voting Liberal Democrat on 6 May, you can send a strong message to Labour that our community deserves better.

With best wishes,

Brandon Ashford

PS: Remember if you are using a postal vote, you can cast it as soon as you receive your ballot.

Earth Day 2021

This Earth Day, we want to take the opportunity to reflect on how Brandon and your local Liberal Democrats are working to help protect the environment during this climate emergency:

1. Protecting our green spaces such as Woodhouse Moor to keep them clean, green, and safe for everyone.

2. Continuing to oppose the expansion of Leeds-Bradford airport.

3. Scrapping the DIY tax to help stop fly-tipping.

4. Adopting kerbside glass recycling across Leeds.

In the local elections: a vote for Brandon is a vote for a cleaner, greener, and safer Headingley & Hyde Park.

Postal votes arriving

This week postal votes are arriving! ?️?️ When the time comes to make your mark, please remember those who have been making their mark to help improve our community.

Brandon and the Liberal Democrats ? offer a credible alternative and offer the best opportunity for your views to matter in your community.

For a cleaner♻️, greener?, and safer??‍♀️ Headingley & Hyde Park vote for Brandon.

You can let us know you’re voting Lib Dem here.