Earth Day 2021

This Earth Day, we want to take the opportunity to reflect on how Brandon and your local Liberal Democrats are working to help protect the environment during this climate emergency:

1. Protecting our green spaces such as Woodhouse Moor to keep them clean, green, and safe for everyone.

2. Continuing to oppose the expansion of Leeds-Bradford airport.

3. Scrapping the DIY tax to help stop fly-tipping.

4. Adopting kerbside glass recycling across Leeds.

In the local elections: a vote for Brandon is a vote for a cleaner, greener, and safer Headingley & Hyde Park.

Postal votes arriving

This week postal votes are arriving! ?️?️ When the time comes to make your mark, please remember those who have been making their mark to help improve our community.

Brandon and the Liberal Democrats ? offer a credible alternative and offer the best opportunity for your views to matter in your community.

For a cleaner♻️, greener?, and safer??‍♀️ Headingley & Hyde Park vote for Brandon.

You can let us know you’re voting Lib Dem here.

Out and about

It was great to be out this evening delivering letters and catching up with local residents.

After years of being ignored by Labour, it was good to hear that residents feel that the Liberal Democrats have a great candidate in Brandon.

Remember when you cast your vote – the Liberal Democrats are the only party willing to listen to residents and help make our community greener, cleaner, and safer!

Meadow View bin yard cleared

Very happy to see that Leeds City Council have been to Meadow View and cleared up the bin yard following Brandon’s report not so long ago.

Now residents will be able to store their bins there and keep the pavements clear for wheelchair users and strollers.

Brandon and your local Liberal Democrats will continue to work to keep our community greener, cleaner, and safer!


Tribute to Prince Philip

We are all very saddened to hear of the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh this morning. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family.

Brandon was fortunate enough in 2020 to be awarded a Duke of Edinburgh scholarship from The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple in the pursuit of his career at the Bar of England & Wales.

Prince Philip, a man dedicated to his Queen, his country, and his family, served all with distinction for an astounding period of time – something we can all aspire to do.

For the remainder of the day – Brandon will be suspending his campaign as a sign of respect at such a time for our community, our country, and our Queen.

Leeds Bradford airport expansion put on hold

It is good news to hear that the expansion of Leeds Bradford airport has been put on hold for now. We are in a climate emergency and expanding the airport risks damaging our environment even more. Not to mention the additional noise pollution that will happen over our community due to the increase in flight numbers.

The Labour council are willing to sacrifice our environment and the peace and quiet of those living under the flight path – the Liberal Democrats are not!

We will continue to oppose the expansion of the airport and call on all parties on Leeds City Council to fully stand with us.

Rose Court

Protecting our local heritage is key to preserving the history of our local community. Today Brandon visited Rose Court, in Headingley, which is a historically important building that urgently needs protecting. As a Grade 2 listed building, the owners are legally required to protect it and yet it remains untouched and left to ruin.

The Labour councillors have failed to protect buildings like Rose Court. Our community deserves better!

Voting for Brandon on 6 May will ensure our local heritage is protected and buildings like Rose Court are saved from ruin.