Hypocrite Hancock must go

The Health Secretary’s actions fly in the face of the sacrifices made by our NHS staff and everyone forced to self-isolate away from friends and family for the last year.

We as a country deserve better!

If the Prime Minister is either unwilling or unable to sack a Minister who fails to practice what they preach under such serious circumstances, then he must go!

As Liberal Democrats we undertake to hold ourselves to a higher standard – if you cannot serve in the best interests of your constituents or your country you cannot credibly serve in office.

COVID cases rising locally

With Hyde Park and Woodhouse having some of the highest Covid infection rates in the country, we encourage everyone to get tested even if you do not have symptoms. Doing so enables the Track and Trace system to keep an eye on infection rates and helps contain the spread of the Delta variant.

If you test positive – remember to self-isolate and look after yourself. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact your local Liberal Democrat team and we will do what we can to help. As a community, we can work through this together and keep each other safe!

Brandon’s first blood donation

It was great to spend some time today speaking with the wonderful staff at the Leeds Blood Donation Centre! ??

Whilst there Brandon made his first NHS Blood Donation! Now that blood will be processed and be used to help save the lives of others.

The process was quick, Covid-safe, and the staff were all very friendly.

Today, Brandon used his work lunch break to make his donation, so if you have any spare time you can help save others too by donating blood. To find out more click here.

Congratulations to our newest MP!

We want to wish big congratulations to Sarah Green, our Liberal Democrats and Young Liberals colleagues across Buckinghamshire and across the country who worked together fiercely to pull off this stunning victory! ????

This shows that the Liberal Democrats continue to provide the strongest alternative to the Conservatives!

A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for your community to have a strong voice locally and nationally ???

Men’s health week

We as Liberal Democrats are committed to pressing for changes in the way that Mental Health Services are funded and operated. Mental health is just as important as physical health and yet it remains severely under-resourced.

Suicide is not a choice, but every suicide is preventable.

Properly funding mental health support is a choice, so let’s make the right one to save as many lives as we can!

You can find more information about the Men’s Health Forum and Men’s Health Week here.

Blood donation rules change

From today the rules on blood donation have expanded to allow more people than ever to save lives by donating some of their blood.

We have all seen tragic scenes that have happened followed by a call for more people to donate blood. We have all heard about blood banks running low on blood that is vital to save lives. But for so long, many people have been unable to answer those calls.

Today that has changed – now that he is finally able to Brandon has jumped at the opportunity and registered to donate blood for the first time! Only 1 week to go until the appointment.

You too can help save lives by checking if you’re eligible to and registering to donate blood: https://www.blood.co.uk/who-can-give-blood/

Leeds councillor quits Labour over ‘institutionalised bullying’

First day back after elections and Labour is already in ‘business as usual’ mode. Leeds councillor Paul Drinkwater has quit the Labour Party, describing the current system of council governance as a form of ‘institutionalised bullying’ and calling instead for a committee system which would involve members from all elected groups in council decision-making.

The toxic environment that Labour has created has no place in modern society. Brandon stands with Cllr Drinkwater when he says that no elected representative should be “complicit in the illusion of local government democracy in Leeds” where local ward councillors have very little influence and power is concentrated in the handpicked few.

Cllr Drinkwater said:

I find myself being bullied by the whip system into voting against good proposals put forward by ‘opposition’ parties simply because they were not proposed by the Labour Group and voting for proposals by the Labour executive that I disagree with, such as charging for disposal of certain items at the council’s tips

This speaks volumes as to the way in which Labour has repeatedly failed our city and our local communities, especially in Headingley & Hyde Park.

Brandon supports the proposal of a committee system of council governance which would see members from all elected groups represented on the council’s decision-making boards.

A truly liberal democracy works best when a broad spectrum of views are represented and balanced to create better well-rounded policies for our community. This is what we need to get the best out of our Council and our community.

Headingley and Hyde Park election result

We are grateful to all those who have supported and voted for us in this local election campaign. ???

Was this the outcome we hoped for? No, but the collective voice of our community has spoken and voted for the candidate they believe best serves them at this time. And we wish Al Garthwaite all the best for her next term in office.

What does this mean for the Liberal Democrats in our community? Brandon and the wider Liberal Democrat team will continue to be an active voice for our local community. We will continue to work hard to make sure Headingley & Hyde Park is the best it can be for everyone in our area and we will continue to fight to ensure that the voice of local residents is listened to by those in power. Local communities work best when local problems are fixed with local solutions made with the support of local residents. ??

Most importantly – we will keep fighting for a cleaner ♻️?, greener ??, and safer Headingley & Hyde Park ⚖️?‍♀️.