April 2019 Focus leaflet

We have been delivering our latest Focus leaflet in Headingley and Hyde Park. Our candidate, Penny Goodman, has lived in Headingley for twelve years and is campaigning for a better, cleaner local environment.

Penny says:

Dear resident,

On May 2nd our area will elect a Councillor and I’m the Lib Dem candidate for this election.

I live in Headingley, so I care passionately about local issues as they affect me too!

If I’m elected, I am determined to push for real action to tackle congestion. The Labour Council are spending millions of pounds ripping up Lawnswood roundabout and replacing it with an American-style intersection. I think the money would be more wisely invested sorting out our roads and improving public transport.

I want to see more street sweeping and greater enforcement action to tackle fly tipping and littering. I think it’s really important that our area
looks nice.

I’m a committed environmentalist, which is why I want to see more done by the Council to tackle climate change. I also want to see increased recycling services. The Lib Dems on Leeds City Council tried to get the Council to introduce kerbside food waste and glass recycling collection, like every major UK city, but Labour blocked it. I’ll continue to campaign for this to happen.

If I am elected I will be an independently-minded strong campaigning voice for our area. I hope you will support me on May 2nd.


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