Focus stories: The positive Liberal Democrat vision for Headingley

Penny war memorialOn Thursday 5th May there will be local council elections for Leeds City Council. The Liberal Democrat candidate for Headingley ward is Penny Goodman. These are some of the things Penny wants to achieve for our area:

Protecting green spaces: Penny is determined to fight to protect the remaining green spaces in our city from development. “All too often green spaces have been built on – such as Victoria Road playing fields. We must protect  these areas for the future and for the benefit of all who live in Headingley.” Read more about Penny’s efforts to protect green spaces here.

Introduce doorstep glass and food waste recycling: With a falling recycling rate in the city, Penny is fighting to get more doorstep recycling services offered to local residents. “I know that local residents want to do more to help the environment but the Council has to offer the services to help.” Read more about Penny’s campaign for doorstep glass and food waste recycling here.

Tackle poor broadband provision: Penny is campaigning hard to get broadband providers to improve their local  infrastructure. “Many students and people living locally have said they pay high bill prices but get poor broadband  speed. Companies need to act when customers are paying for the service.” Read more about Penny’s campaign for better broadband provision here.

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